Setting up Touch OSC with Ableton Live

You first need TouchOSC installed on your iPod/iPad/Android.Buy the TouchOSC app from the appropriate app store.

You also need the TouchOSC template editor from in order to upload the LiveControl template to your device.

You should be running at least Ableton Live 8.1 or higher.

Connect your iPod/iPad/Android to the same network as your computer using either a router or an ad-hoc network'

On Windows you need to install Bonjour Print Services if you dont have iTunes installed

Download the LiveControl installer for Mac or Windows

Configuring TouchOSC

Open the LiveControl template for TouchOSC (either LiveControl.touchosc or LiveControl_iPad.touchosc) in the TouchOSC editor.

 Upload to TouchOSC using the Sync function

You computer should appear in the list of hosts, select it to upload the template:

Select this template inside TouchOSC (its called Livecontrol).
Now double click LiveControl on mac or LiveControl/LiveControl.exe on windows
Wait for 10 seconds, then select “LiveControl” from the “Found Hosts” section of TouchOSC’s Network configuration. Set the incoming port to 5001 (outgoing should be automatically set to 5000)
Go back to the main TouchOSC screen and hit done to load the template. TouchOSC should look like the following on the iPod Touch:

Install and Configure LiveControl

Run “Install LiveControl.jar”, this will install the MIDI Remote Script into your Ableton Live Directory. When prompted selected your Ableton Directory in the format Live x.x.x.

Copy the (mac) or LiveControl folder (win) to your computer and launch the application, if you havnt already when configuring TouchOSC.
LiveControl will detect any devices attached to your network. Select a MIDI port you would like to use for MIDI input. On windows, install LoopBe1. On Mac the provides two midi ports (from LiveControl 1 and 2).

Start Ableton Live and goto Preferences, then MIDI Preferences. Select LiveControl_TO from the control surfaces list. Leave MIDI In/Out ports empty. Make sure the MIDI port you selected above is enabled.

The red (or another colour if its not the first MIDI remote script) selection ring should appear in Ableton Live and the template in TouchOSC should be updated


 Original Post From ST8


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